Do your emails need a shot of caffeine to wake your audience?

Do you need energized email copy or autoresponders designed to boost open, read, and click-through rates? If your answer is “yes”, then let’s talk today.


When your email copy stinks, so will your sales

All you have to do is string a series of sentences together, throw in a link, and hit the send button. Right?

Uhhh, absolutely…

Provided you don’t care about generating valuable leads, growing your revenue stream, or building trust between you and your potential buyers.

Crafting a successful email or autoresponder series has more moving parts than simply populating digital paper with a few well-placed keystrokes. The magic is taking the right words, putting them in the right order, adding the right links at the right time, while writing for the right audience.

If you want prospects eagerly knocking at your door with credit card in hand, it’s crucial your message resonates with them the moment it lands in their inbox.

If it doesn’t, well, you know the story: they either unceremoniously delete your email, or they hastily unsubscribe from your list (maybe both).

To keep your prospect’s interest, you need strong email copy that:

  • Quickly builds your prospect’s trust in you
  • Pulls your prospect in and keeps them engaged
  • Moves your prospect to buy from you again and again
  • Is written in a conversational tone

The sooner we start a dialogue, the sooner I can help you make that happen. Rest assured, all copy I write will avoid those pesky email landmines. You know the ones:

  • Subject lines that are stale or deceptive
  • Body copy full of fluff and filler (not making every word count)
  • Content that is boring, hyped-up, or meanders without direction
  • CTA’s that are unclear or confusing

You have but one chance to make that all important first impression, so…

Do you really want to play “Email Roulette” with your sales on the line?

Hi, my name is Terry Lewis, and I’m here to help you boost your open, read, click-through, and conversion rates. I specialize in email copywriting that engages and motivates readers to take action…

As you have no doubt experienced, coming up with a great idea and turning that inspiration into an effective email can be as different as night is from day.

So, the question I’ll leave you with is this…

Do you spend any time at all thinking about how a couple misplaced words or an awkward sentence could weaken (or even sabotage) your email campaign?

If your nodding your head and need “lightning-in-a-bottle” emails, don’t hesitate, not even for a moment. Click the following link and take the next step.

Can’t squeeze another minute out of your hectic schedule?

Perhaps you’re short on time, or busy running your department or company (which is what you do best) and need someone reliable to write your emails for you.

Someone who gets it.

Not a copywriting generalist, but an email copywriter. A specialist. . .

Whatever the reason, if you need effective email copy, let’s start a meaningful conversation, soon.

I’ll leave the proverbial ball in your court, with a gentle nudge from my end, of course…

To your marketing success,

Terry Lewis
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